Bird of Prey Adoptions

Adopt a Barn Owl!

If you’d like to adopt one of the UK’s favourite birds, then our Barn Owl is perfect for you!

Click HERE to find out more info/ to adopt one of our Barn Owls.

Adopt a Harris Hawk!

Did you know Harris Hawks have long tough legs which allow them to perch on cacti without damaging their bodies?

Click HERE to adopt our long legged Harris Hawk!

Adopt a Common Kestrel!

Those of you familiar with native birds of prey will probably recognize our Common Kestrels. These birds you will see hovering by the side of the road!

To adopt a Common Kestrel please click HERE.

Adopt a Peregrine Falcon!

Did you know Peregrine Falcons are the fastest birds in the world!

To adopt one of this super speedy Birds of Prey please – Click HERE!