Coach Funding

We are aware of the increasing cost of coach travel and below you will find details of two charities who support our education programme and may be able to help schools with funding toward the cost of their coaches.

We may also be able to tailor your start and finish time if it makes the cost of your coach cheaper. E.g. arriving at 9.30a.m. and finishing before 2.00p.m. If this is something you would like to speak to us about, please mention it on your booking enquiry form, or e-mail [email protected]

NFU Coach Funding

Our education programme has been awarded funding from the NFU Essex Charitable Trust to provide financial assistance to schools withing the County of Essex who are struggling with expensive coach costs.  To enquire if you are eligible, please email [email protected] quoting your coach costs and the number of children you plan to bring on a visit.

Essex Youth Trust

Essex Youth Trust support the education and advancement in life of young people under the age of 25 who are in need of assistance.  The trustees have kindly agreed to help schools who are socially deprived with a high pupil premium with coach funding to enable them to visit the Barleylands Education Programme.  To enquire if you are eligible, please contact the trust directly.


To book or for more information email [email protected]

  • Booking Enquiry Form


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